All are welcome to join us in our churches in Rushall. Please explore our website and contact us if you want to know more.
We don’t change God’s message – His message changes us.
It's getting colder and darker but our welcome is as warm and bright as ever
Following the unrest and violence across towns and cities in the United Kingdom in recent days, we pray for all the communities affected. For all those left injured, traumatised or afraid; for the police and all at national and local level, seeking to restore public order and bring perpetrators to justice. For places of worship in the affected areas and all people of faith and goodwill, seeking to promote peace and respect in the face of violence and hatred.
13 October
All of our midweek services start again this week and our Sunday services all take place as usual.
Harvest Festival
October 6th is our Harvest Festival.
All are welcome to celebrate the bounty of God's goodness
6th October
6th October is Harvest Festival. All produce donated will be given to the Glebe Centre to help its work with the homeless.
Only one service again this week.
29th September
29th September is our patronal festival of Michaelmas. Come and celebrate our church and its ministry and mission. There is, however, only one service during the week.
Sunday 22nd September
Most of our usual services take place this week and don't forget the Quiz Night on Saturday
We are a dementia friendly church
We are continuing our work towards being a dementia friendly church where everyone is supported and feels valued.
Eco Gold Talk
Diocesan Synod asked for some information about our Eco Gold Award and how we obtained it. Here's what we told them about our eco journey and the work we've done.
The new railings
Our new railings give a wonderful view of the churchyard.
Our thanks to Walsall Council who provided the railings, a fitting approach to the church.